ProxyCounter 1.0 ProxyCounter is a perl script used to create statistics from log files about proxies which accessed the web server.

This version parses the user agent log file[s] as well as proxy_log file[s] created by Apache via directive CustomLog logs/proxy_log "%{VIA}i"compliant to RFC 2068: HTTP/1.1 - Proposed Standard for main products.

Hold down the shift key and klick on this link to download the current version.

browsercounter [-h] [-v] [-t] [-N HTTD-Server-Name] [-a fList] [-i fList] [-o file] [-p path] [logfile ...] [logfile.gz ...] [logfile.Z ...]

-h Display this message and quit.  
-v Display version  
-t Set type of the Logfile to combined (default = agent)  
-N name HTTPd Server name for report IRB.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
-a fList a comma separated list of user agent log files for (non-HTTP/1.1 compliant proxies are logged in the user agent log file, ONLY). agent_log.9709.gz,current/agent_log
-i fList a comma separated list of previous generated files for inclusion 9607/p.html,9608/p.html,9609/p.html
-o afile Output file (default = Standard Output) a.html
-p path System directory, where to store generated html files /local/www/htdocs/stats/9610


Follow this link to see, how we generate statistics for our web server.